+977 1 438 7774 haribhandary@hotmail.com

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Contact Info

Chairman and Founder
Hari Bhandary


+977 1 438 7774 (Kathmandu)
+977 56 694 928 (Meghauli)

Clinic Nepal
PO Box 13896
Kathmandu, Nepal

Hari Bhandary

Chairman and Founder
Clinic Nepal
PO Box 13896
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: haribhandary@hotmail.com
URL : www.clinicnepal.com

Managed and run by Nepalese for the benefit of Nepalese people. 

We know that the future of our country depends on good health and education of our children.
Thus, our projects are focused on achieving these goals while also contributing to the overall socio-economic development of the country.
We believe that healthcare and education are human rights that everyone has the right to access.
 Check out our web sites in different languages: