+977 1 438 7774 haribhandary@hotmail.com

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Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation Projects

Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation Projects when Clinic Nepal began in 1997 over 50% of patients had water-borne diseases.  Today, that figure stands at only 1%!

In Nepal, the majority of the population lives in a rural setting.  Often water sources are a river, mountain spring, or well.  While those villages living in high mountains may have access to cleaner water than those downstream, open sources of water are never completely free of dangerous bacteria.   In the lowland Terai area, where Clinic Nepal is situated, drinking water comes mainly from the ground.  Traditionally, open wells are used, with the risk of contamination from animal and human waste high.  The other option of river water usually means much time is spent by women and girls collecting water from far away.

Sanitary toilets or latrines, are still, unfortunately, extremely rare in the majority of the country.  With many people defecating in the open, the risk of contamination is again very high, especially for children, the sick, and the elderly. In this area, the risk of attack by wild animals was also present.

Hari Bhandary, the founder and chairman of Clinic Nepal, had always recognized these problems and had long had the desire to introduce clean drinking water and sanitation to improve the health of his neighbors.   Once the Friendship Clinic was established, the next step was therefore obvious – a clean drinking water project and hygienic sanitation facilities for all.

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Hari Bhandary

Chairman and Founder
Clinic Nepal
PO Box 13896
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: haribhandary@hotmail.com
URL : www.clinicnepal.com

Managed and run by Nepalese for the benefit of Nepalese people. 

We know that the future of our country depends on good health and education of our children.
Thus, our projects are focused on achieving these goals while also contributing to the overall socio-economic development of the country.
We believe that healthcare and education are human rights that everyone has the right to access.
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